Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

TIP Blockchain - User friendly cryptocurrency

TIP is here with the solution for the cryptocurrency users of the world. One of the many solutions presented by the company is the easy and user-friendly cryptocurrency address for the cryptocurrency users all over the world. They believe that user-friendly addresses are the first step towards the mass adoption of the cryptocurrency. It is analogous to the IP address on the Internet. Another service offered by the platform is the attachment of transaction metadata on the blockchain. It allows users to attach data of their choice during the cryptocurrency transactions.

The data sent through this process can only be decrypted by the owner of the private key. This will help in creating a searchable & indexable platform where anyone can search for anyone leading to the discovery of new content and people on the network.

Creating Dapps will be one of the many applications where developers will be able to develop customised fields. A P2P messaging feature will be available on the digital wallet developed by the platform. Text, video, audio and other formats are provided for the people on the platform. Point of sale application is specially developed for the retailers with multiple features including transaction management and order management.

Social payment is another concept being utilised on the platform where you can easily send cryptocurrency to your friend. Tip Protocol is base protocol on which the Tip network node works and many transaction types are possible on the Tip Blockchain.

1,000,000,000 TIP Tokens are created for the project in which 60% is reserved for the ICO. One ETH is equal to the 10,000 TIP. The exact dates for the ICO are yet to be announced but the process of whitelisting for the token sale participation is currently live on the platform.

Thе TIP tоkеn, iѕ thе unit оf ассоunt оn thе Tip nеtwоrk. It is thе nаtivе currency on thе nеtwоrk, thus is uѕеd tо рау for trаnѕасtiоnѕ, ѕtоrаgе аnd оthеr ѕеrviсеѕ on thе network. TIP is a utility tоkеn that thе uѕеrѕ will be аblе to uѕе it tо:
Trаnѕfеr bеtwееn рееr tо рееr.
Use it to buу thingѕ in thе rеаl wоrld with mеrсhаntѕ whо ассерt TIP. Tо ѕtоrе data оn thе Tiр dесеntrаlizеd database.
Tо рау fоr transaction fееѕ оn thе nеtwоrk.
Rеwаrd dеvеlореrѕ for сrеаting apps that run оn thе Tip Nеtwоrk. Tо vоtе fоr delegates tо secure thе network.
For delegates tо ѕtаkе thеir соinѕ аnd earn ѕtаking rewards fоr ѕесuring the nеtwоrk.
Thе Tiр platform рrоvidеѕ аn есоѕуѕtеm thаt will allow uѕеrѕ to рurсhаѕе bоth digital goods and services оn thе platform, and also tangible gооdѕ in thе rеаl wоrld from merchants thаt ассерt Tiр tоkеn.


Total token supply - 1,000,000,000 TIP
  • Token Type: Ethereum ERC20
  • Purchase with: ETH
  • Base Price: 1 ETH = 10,000 TIP


Tip Inc will be launching a sale of TIP tokens which will be open to the general public. Users will be able to purchase TIP tokens using either Ethereum or Bitcoin. The sale price for Tip will be 1 ETH = 10,000 Tip, or 1Tip = 0.00001 ETH. The price of TIP tokens in Bitcoin will be calculated by converting the Bitcoin value to Ether, using the Bitcoin-Ethereum exchange rate at the time of purchase. The token sale will run for four weeks. During this time, 60% of the total TIP supply will be available for purchase by the general public.

Token pricing structure



Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

Blockshipping - Transforming The Global Container Shipping Industry

Transforming The Global Container Shipping Industry

The blockchain based GSCP platform is the world's first freight container registry and the first global platform allowing all players in the shipping industry to perform a wide range of transactions related to the handling of containers. The GSCP ICO opens in May, and we are happy to invite you to participate.

Key industry players have shown immense interest in supporting the GSCP platform. It is already funded by private angels and The Danish Maritime Fund, and the development of the platform has started. But to further accelerate the development and reduce time to market, we have decided to conduct an ICO that will open for public sale 14 May 2018.

“The GSCP platform will enable a savings potential for the global container industry of at least USD 5.7bn per year.”

“The GSCP platform is expected to reduce the global CO2 emission by at least 4.6 million tons yearly.”

Currently no solution

Today, the container shipping industry accounts for around 60 percent of all the world’s seaborne trade. But this hugely valuable industry has been troubled for years by challenges like overcapacity, low rates, security threats, and increasing environmental regulations.
It is a well-known fact in the industry that the global shipping needs increased efficiency, improved processes and a fundamental digital transformation to ensure profitability in the future and to comply with environmental regulations.
That is why we are creating the Global Shared Container Platform – GSCP.

A neutral, global platform

GSCP is a neutral, global platform for all the players in the container shipping industry – carriers, ports, terminals, transport companies, and more.
In the world today we have more than 27m metal freight containers, and we are creating the world’s first blockchain based registry that will allow the industry to keep real-time track of all containers. At the same time, the GSCP platform will enable the industry players to efficiently manage all kinds of transactions related to container handling.
The Global Shared Container Platform is an incredibly strong idea with a significant potential for the container shipping industry.



                          Wondering what happens when? See our roadmap to success below.



Jumat, 25 Mei 2018

CARDSTACK - The experience layer of the decentralized internet

The experience layer of the decentralized internet

Cardstack is an open-source framework and consensus protocol that makes blockchains usable and scalable for the mass market, creating a decentralized software ecosystem that can challenge today’s digital superpowers.

Foundational Documents
To help you gain a deeper understanding of the market context, mathematical model, and token mechanisms behind Cardstack project, our team has prepared 4 additional papers for your review:


Mass market adoption of blockchains can be accelerated if we reach the users via the familiar platforms, such as mobile devices or the open Web, and invite them to participate as peers with greater sovereignty.


Acting as the orchestrator of the user’s workflow, Cardstack Hub relays the user’s commands to the right data systems and constantly listens for changes, while building a consistent, queryable view of reality.


We have shipped a full stack that works with Git as the core. As decentralized apps mature, the well-typed plugin architecture of Cardstack Hub allows dApps and their underlying blockchains to complete the vision.


Blockchain- and cloud-based apps that are integrated with Cardstack Hub immediately get the benefit of common components to handle prioritized queues, searchable libraries, and field-level configurations.


As the features of the card ecosystem fill out, common data elements and associated actions can be unified as open-source standard, creating a catalog of pre-built cards that are easy to use and reuse.


In the current software economy, the drive for openness often requires people to give up their fair share of rewards, while tools promising to return power to users keep losing out to centralized, growth-hacked platforms.


The success of early cryptocurrencies shows that a network of economic participants, when given the right incentives, can fuel improvements of open-source software and protocols and spawn supporting ecosystems.


Users spend tokens in their wallet to get access to an app. A smart contract, acting as the billing agent for the app, allocates a portion of these tokens to the creators of the open-sourced code or the provided services.


With Cardstack Tokens, users purchase credits to use software in the ecosystem, while makers and miners are rewarded proportionally, based on usage data, etc.


The network-wide reward function consults the output of the proportional attribution and allocation model, which takes many factors, both on- and off-chain, into account to determine a fair distribution of rewards.



The reward function works like a “wealth trickle”. Once a graph of makers’ and miners’ input is built in an analytic node, the model iterates through network branches until each path has been weighted locally and globally.


Cardstack is creating a sustainable software ecosystem, where a network of smart contracts coordinates the revenue coming in from paying customers and the rewards going out to makers and miners who have contributed to the software and services.




Kamis, 24 Mei 2018

Iagon - We Revolutionize The Cloud


IAGON is a platform for harnessing the storage capacities and processing power of multiple computers over adecentralizedBlockchaingrid.IAGONutilizesenables tostorebigdata files andrepositories, as well as smaller scales of files, and to carry out complex computational processes, such as those needed for artificial intelligence and machine learning operations, within a fully secure and encrypted platform that integrates blockchain, cryptographic and AI technologies in a user-friendly way.


The recent development in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data technologies and the dramatic increase in adoption of these technologies signify an ongoing and exponentially growing demand to both storage capacity and for computational processing power vis-à-vis the broader adoption of these technologies.

Big Data technologies such as the Hadoop framework (notably its MongoDB, HDFS and Spark databases ) require vast amounts of storage capacity , either in a centralized or a distributed manner, for processing and managing Big Data files. To a large extent, Big Data technologies support the exponential growth of data in any type of organization , within web based services and social networks and their implementation is essential to support the proper operation and processing of these vast amounts of data (see Fig. 1).


Cloud data storage is based on the delivery of files from local computers and servers into the remote servers and storage facilities that are obscure to the user, but can be accessed and managed at any time. Thereby, the reliability of cloud storage services and the privacy of users (i.e. protecting the files from being accessed by any party other than their owner) are paramount to subscribing to and implementing any cloud services.


Artificial Intelligence is a set of advanced computational models and processes inspired by research of the human brain. These models and tools operate behind the scenes of many apps, websites and applications in a seamless way that does not interfere with the user’s interaction through the UI. For example, web searches and similarity between terms, automated translation, face recognition and recommendation systems are some of the applications of AI.


Just like a human brain, AI and machine learning algorithms require inputs of data to deduce an inference. Data mining is the computing process of discovering patterns in large data sets and helps reduce large sets of data structures to allow machine learning algorithms to make decisions and inferences. Consequently, as organizations and companies accumulate large datasets as a part of their day-to-day operations virtually on every aspect of their performance , suppliers and clients , they seek new ways to apply AI and machine learning methods to derive new managerial insights from the data on a continuous basis.


IAGON aim at providing its users and miners complete flexibility and freedom of choice in providing and consuming decentralized cloud services . Hence, IAGON will provide a multiple Blockchain solution. running its cloud storage and processing operations both on the Ethereum Blockchain and on Tangle.


The Big Data market is characterized by the recent adoption of Data Lake architectures, such as information systems that are based on the Hadoop framework, by large companies. The Data Lake architecture is based on implementation of a NoSQL central database (such as MongoDB, HBase or Cassandra) in which files of any sort can be stored and be retrieved from.Companies can virtually define a central depository for theirinformation and data files that does not depend on the contents oron the file types and provides a user -friendly and accessible source for allthe files managed either in SMEs, middle sized companies orlarge corporations.


The increasing demand for processing poweris evident for example by the growing sales ofNVIDIA systems for Machine Learning andDeep Learning operations , aswell as other advanced operations ofArtificial Intelligence that require vast volumes of computing and processing capabilities . The technology domain of AI based innovations thatrequire large capacities ofprocessing power(mostly supplied by batteries of serverswith large amount of CPUs and GPUs) include face recognition , video processing , voice analysis ,text analysis , pattern recognition in Big Data databases and digital document repositories , autonomous cars, IoT based decision support systems and many more.


IAGON intends to bring decentralization into mainstream businesses and consumer markets. In order to achieve this, IAGON was designed and built to integrate seamlessly into existing IT infrastructure without the need for expensive resources to deploy.


The introduction of Regulation EU 2016 /679 to replace Directive 95/46/EC, introduced more stringent regulations in regards to data processing and mining of data of personal records. The regulation introduces certain restriction on the collection and processing of personal data including limitations on the free movement and sharing of such data (EU, 2016).


The architecture of IAGON’s platform can be broken down into three unique sections . The sections are the machine learning algorithm , the Blockchain and miners , and the encryption /decryption protocol . When a request is sent to IAGON, the machine learning algorithm sends blocks of data over to the miners to process and find for matching signatures . These blocks of data are then sent back to be validated over the block - chain along with an output which the machine learning algorithm will use to identify a node. It will be impossible to identify a node without processing the data in multiple blocks and to identify a correlation thus this provides a level of anonymity and privacy to the users utilizing IAGON’s platform. Individual miners will not be able to identify a certain request or node unless they have access to enough blocks. Blocks are distributed evenly to miners by utilizing proof of variance and does not store any of the data within their local systems . This allows data to be process anonymously without being able to identify any single node individually ex- cept through the machine learning algorithm .


IAGON takes a very different approach towards data mining. IAGON does this by utilizing a private Blockchain with public network protocols over API networks. A miner does not need to store any of the data in order to mine, the miner’s sole duty is to honestly process the data and send the output back to IAGON’s machine learning algorithm for analysis.

Data mining on IAGON ’s platform does not have the need to perform complex algorithm to solve an equation. Instead, IAGON uses the decentralized computing network to distribute load and increase speed for mundane data processing tasks . Block tasks are distributed to miners using the proof of variance method.


IAGON leverages the Blockchain technology to maintain honesty of nodes across IAGON distributed data mining algorithm. The Blockchain uses SHA256 algorithm of previous blocks to maintain a chain link to its historical state (in this case data).This allows IAGON to incentivize miners on its platform to process data honestly and to guard against deliberate manipulation of the data output. Using the Blockchain , IAGON’s machine learning algorithm can quickly identify if a data output mined from a block is actually a valid part of the block. This can be achieve within the framework of a simple Blockchain similar to that used by ‘Bitcoin’ by hashing the inputs with the hash of the previous block. Genesis block are created internally within the private blockchain .


IAGON will expand its operations to support using itsSmartComputing Grid andSecure Lake technologies on the Tangle platform , in addition to operating them on the Ethereum Blockchain . The Tangle technology is based on application of a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Mathematically ,the Tangle generates a stochastic process on the space of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)that“grows” in time by attaching new vertices to the graph according to a Poissonian clock.


The IAGON Pre-sale begins on April 2nd, 12 pm WEST. 
The Pre-sale offers 20% of the tokens at a price of :

- 0.07 USD per IAG token for first 100 million tokens;
- 0.10 USD per token for next 100 million tokens.

Purchases can be made in ETH.Pre-sale will be done solely through Dragonchain , and only holders of Dragon tokens canparticipateinit.Pleasevisitthe Dragonchainwebsiteformoreinformation-dragonchain.com.

The IAGON crowdsale (Token Sale) begins May 10th. Token Sale lasts for 30- 60 days, depending on sale. In addition to thePre-sale,the crowdsale offers 50% ofthe IAGONtokens to the public (offering in total 500,000, 000tokens) accordingtothefollowingrates:

- 0.12 USD per all 500 million tokens

Total amount of IAG tokens for two phases: 700,000,000 tokens.

Other 30% of the tokens (max. 300,000,000 tokens) will be dedicated to: 10% for IAGON’s team; 10% for advisors and bounty hunters; 10% for development.

IAGON’s team works hard to support the reputation of IAGON as the leading platform for storage and processing services, enhancing its adoption among users that allocate their computational resources and among potential customers.

The development of the IAGON platform and miner’s client software will continue immediately after the completion of the Token Sale . The introduction of the beta version of the platform and the client are expectedbyQ42018.


Purchases can be made via all ETH, Bank Transfer or debit/card (We also use Changelly as our API and this allows for us to convert other curriences to ETH on site, before purchase)

Please follow the detailed instructions forToken Sale fiat money transfers on our website.



Rabu, 16 Mei 2018



Proliferasi luar dari kamera portabel murah dan perangkat lunak editing video telah menciptakan peluang-peluang baru bagi para pembuat film mula dan sama bagi yang mahir. Sekarang untuk memproduksikan film cukup kamera GoPro atau bahkan iPhone baru. Namun, kemudahan proses pembuatan film dan pengurangan biaya, tidak membuka jalan langsung ke penonton bagi para pembuat film independen. 

Saat ini, bagian terbesar dari pendapatan dari pemutaran film mengalir bukan ke para pembuat film, tetapi ke perantara yang menyediakan distribusi dan pemasaran. Banyak pembuat film saat ini beralih ke crowdfunding untuk mengamankan pendanaan, namun ribuan perusahaan produksi kecil yang memproduksi film-film independen setahuntahunya masih tidak dapat menemukan cara untuk menguangkan kreativitas mereka. Akibatnya, banyak sutradara dan penulis skenario beralih ke tempat seperti YouTube atau video-blog lainnya.


Setiap tahun, dirilis ribuan film-film mulai dari thriller sampai film animasi untuk anakanak. Namun, kuantitas tidak berarti kualitas dan bahkan aktor dan merek terkenal sendiri tidak membuat film sebuah karya agung. Meskipun ribuan film baru dirilis secara reguler terlihat bahwa seni bioskop kontemporer meliputi krisis. Ada beberapa alasan untuk ini:

Monoton: Jumlah ide-ide baru dalam film menyusut - industri film secara aktif menyalahgunakan apa yang disebut "waralaba", merilis remake tak berujung (film re-shot dengan visi baru), sekuel dan prequels (prasejarah). Lebih mudah menarik orang ke bioskop dengan suatu film yang sudah bersukses. Biasanya bagian berikutnya adalah lebih buruk dari yang sebelumnya, minat para penonton jatuh – tapi banyak orang menonton waralaba karna ingin tahu apa akan terjadi dengan karakter favorit mereka dalam cerita yang sedikit berbeda. 

Keuntungan terhadap Seni: Kebanyakan film-film sedang dibuat hanya untuk mendapatkan uang dan bukan untuk kepentingan seni.

Plot yang tidak masuk akal atau primitif: Studio-studio Hollywood utama berfokus pada pengeluaran blockbuster hiburan yang menarik penonton akan tetapi menderita kekurangan kedalaman.

Kurangnya wajah-wajah baru di bioskop: Citra "Bintang" aktor biasanya tetap tidak berubah sepanjang kariernya, dan publik mengharapkan untuk melihat aktor yang sama dalam waralaba yang sama (dan biasanya dalam plot yang hampir sama). Oleh karena itu, sutradara Hollywood sering memilih aktor populer dibanding aktor pemula dan menembak aktor yang sama lagi dan lagi untuk menarik penonton yang sama.

Pembajakan dan Pelanggaran hak Cipta: Kemudahan reproduksi dan didistribusikan film di luar perjanjian lisensi membuat pembajakan dan pelanggaran hak cipta salah satu sumber kecemasan dan biaya konstan.



Pada saat ini, tingkat pertumbuhan penerimaan box office di seluruh dunia melambat secara bertahap. Menurut data Asosiasi film Amerika dalam lima tahun terakhir, volume box office naik rata-rata sebesar 1,5% per tahun (pada saat yang sama 60-70% dari box office tersebut adalah distribusi international) (Gbr. 1). Hal ini dapat dijelaskan oleh peningkatan masalah ekonomi di daerah tertentu, informatisasi masyarakat (penetrasi aktif Internet dengan peningkatan penjualan perangkat mobile dan penyebaran global pembajakan internet), serta perubahan dalam kebiasaan konsumsi media oleh generasi yang berbeda di semua negara.

Menurut data Badan analisis HIS Markit di dunia ada sekitar 164 ribu bioskop (+8% indikator 2015). Dengan lebih dari 90% dari nya adalah digital. Pemimpin mutlak dalam hal pertumbuhan jumlah bioskop telah menjadi kawasan Asia-Pasifik (+18% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2015) (Gbr. 2).

Dengan ini menurut IHS Markit pada tahun 2016 jumlah bioskop format premium meningkat sebesar 11%, yang menunjukkan keinginan penonton untuk melihat konten audiovisual berkualitas dan pilihan film secara individual. Pada saat yang sama, tentu saja, tidak ada yang sebanding dengan kenyamanan rumah Anda sendiri, kesederhanaan pembelian film online dan jumlah pilihannya. Semua faktor ini menunjukkan masa depan yang bagus untuk film online.

Berdasarkan Biro analisis ekonomi (Biro Analisis Ekonomi, BEA) dalam situasi penurunan kehadiran bioskop tradisional, industri video hiburan saat ini adalah salah satu pemimpin dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi (Gbr. 3). Bioskop film Online-– Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Fandor mengubah industri secara radical. Dengan demikian, proyek MoviesChain dari TVzavr bekerja di salah satu pasar yang bertumbuh sangat cepat dengan prospek pertumbuhan lebih lanjut dalam tren ekonomi global jangka panjang.


Semua negara-negara penghasil dapat dibagi atas empat kelompok kunci berdasarkan jumlah film yang diproduksi oleh mereka setiap tahunnya:

Grup A (500 film setahun): Kategori ini terdiri dari para pemimpin industri film global – Amerika Serikat (AS), China, India, dan Jepang. Perlu juga dicatat prevalensi pemain Asia di industri, tetapi AS masih merupakan agenda terbesar di dunia dalam jumlah karya yang diproduksi dan jumlah box office.

Semua perusahaan film terbesar di dunia juga terletak di AS: Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures, Walt Disney Company, Columbia Pictures dan Universal Pictures. Studio besar ini secara aktif berinvestasi ke industri film di negaranegara lain, dengan tujuan meningkatkan pendapatan dan menguatkan posisi internasional mereka. Perlu dicatat, bahwa pembuat film dari AS memilih untuk membuat film di Skandinavia dan negara-negara Asia serta Kanada.

2. Kelompok B (200-500 film per tahun): Kelompok ini terutama terdiri dari negaranegara Eropa Barat, terutama Prancis sebagai pemimpin produksi film di Eropa, Inggris, Jerman, dan Spanyol. Negara-negara ini adalah rumah untuk studio produksi terbesar di Eropa Barat: Betafilms, Wild Bunch, Pathé, EuropaCorp, BBC, FremantleMedia, ITV, SND, Lionsgate, Gaumont, ZDF Enterprises dan lain-lain. 

3. Kelompok C (100-200 film per tahun): Kelompok ini terdiri dari negara-negara Amerika Latin seperti Brazil, Argentina dan negara lain. Produksinya menarik bagi pasar hispanik.

4. Kelompok D (100 film setahun): Negara-negara lain. Menurut analis industri, di negaranegara seperti Nigeria (Nollywood) dan Pakistan (Lollywood) film-film produksi lokal adalah lebih populer daripada film Hollywood.


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) memperkirakan, bahwa pada tahun 2018 pendapatan global dari pasar pemutaran film akan melebihi $110 miliar. Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) melaporkan bahwa enam studio film besar (Warner Bros, Disney, Universal, 20th Century Fox, Sony/Columbia, Paramount Pictures) memegang 80% dari pendapatan total industry film AS. Sebaliknya, pangsa producen film independen pada tahun 2016 mencatat hanya 20% (Gambar 4).

Jika membanding rasio ini dengan pasar global, akan menjadi nyata pangsa industri film independen di pasar dunia (penting bahwa pangsa studio besar di luar AS lebih kecil) mencapai setidaknya $ 20 miliar per tahun. Juga harus dicatat bahwa pangsa pasar produsen independen terus meningkat. Sejak tahun 2005, pembuat film independen telah meningkatkan saham mereka dari 1/3 menjadi 3/4 dari semua film-film yang dihasilkan (Gambar 5).

Hal ini memberikan keyakinan bahwa pangsa pasar film independen akan terus meningkat. MoviesChain oleh TVzavr akan menjadi awal dari semacam "umpan balik positif", yang akan mengakibatkan pertumbuhan produksi dan pangsa pasar lebih besar. Platform kami akan memudahkan pertumbuhan eksponensial basis klien dan menegaskan tren panjang penyebaran teknologi, platform, dan aplikasi baru. (Gambar 6).

Butuh waktu 38 tahun bagi basis klien radio mencapai 50 juta pengguna. Sebaliknya, itu butuh hanya 19 hari bagi aplikasi Pokemon Go untuk mencapai jumlah yang sama. MoviesChain oleh TVzavr akan memanfaatkan tren tersebut.

Faktor utama yang memfasilitasi pengembangan aktif pasar adalah: munculnya teknologi produksi baru (terutama digital) dan perkembangan metode penjualan konten audiovisual, (termasuk di Internet) serta globalisasi industri film lanjut.


Waktu dan kelengkapan pelaksanaan program MoviesChain oleh TVzavr v 2.0. tergantung pada jumlah uang yang akan dikumpulkan selama penjualan token.


Pada total akan diterbitkan 100 juta token

  • 70% akan didistribusikan pada penjualan awal. 
  • 5% akan tetap dalam dana cadangan jika tidak ada kesempatan membeli token di pasar sekunder dalqam rangka program bonus 
  • 2% akan dialokasi untuk program bounty. 
  • 23% akan ditransfer ke kelompok investor awal proyek
Jika selama rilis awal akan dijual kurang dari 70 juta token, distribusi token akan berubah secara proporsional dengan mempertahankan persentase yang sama dalam dana cadangan, kampanye bounty dan remunerasi untuk kelompok investor awal proyek.

Distribusi dana yang diterima dari penerbitan awal token:
  • Pemasaran-50% 
  • Pengembangan TI-20% 
  • Biaya operasional-20% 
  • Dukungan hukum-5% 
  • Direksi dan dewan penasehat-5%

